My friend, Judith aka my personal Buddha, has a strong self-care game. Not only did she recommend I buy flowers, but she sent me an advent calendar full of self-car ideas like listen to an inspirational podcast, sweat, read, meditate and more.
One of the items on the list is “Watch the sunset or sunrise,” so I watched the former and after a few minutes of staring out the window, I got surprisingly antsy. So I decided to close my eyes and do a visualization exercise picturing what I want in my life. That felt good and I figured it would kill some time (sort of the antithesis of self-care.)
I opened my eyes to find the sun had still not finished setting, so I started stretching, eating some fruit and tried to take it in. I really don’t think I was as present with the sunset as I could have been, but at least I tried.
Then, my 9-year-old niece Facetimed me and that was all the self-care I needed.
Are you good about stopping and smelling the roses? Do you take breaks in general and to enjoy nature? What are your favorite self-care tips? Tell me below.
P.S. My Facetime call with my niece was awesome. We laughed, we set up a 30-day challenge for her to write in her diary (which her brother named the 30-Day Diarrhea Challenge) and she did a hard sell on her Girl Scout Cookies. I can’t resist. I’m a former Girl Scout Cookie Champion back when I went door to door and my Dad wouldn’t bring them to the office. (Altacocker, alert)