I got a facial yesterday. Something I rarely do because I usually don’t want to spend the money on them, but since it’s my self-care (Gelf-care) month, I decided to splurge. I also had a 25% off coupon, so that didn’t hurt.
The results of my hydrafacial. Looks pretty clean to me. Phew!
I went at the end of the day so I didn’t need to worry about not having any makeup on. I took off my top layers, got under the sheets and blanket and closed my eyes.
The aesthetician asked me some basic questions about my skin, my skincare routine and I decided to try a new one they were offering (thanks, 25% off coupon!).
Then, I did the one thing I know I shouldn’t do.
I talked. I asked her questions about her clients. The things she’s seen, etc.
I love getting to know people and finding out about their worlds. I know I’m supposed to relax during a facial, but sometimes I can’t help myself.
I stayed quiet a few times, but then questions would pop into my head and I’d ask her. She didn’t seem to mind and I thought I had more time to relax, but then she said we were done and I was bummed.
So while this is technically a self-care win, since it’s something I rarely do for myself, I also consider it a bit of a self-care fail. A facial fail or is it a “Failcial?”
Do you like getting facials? How often do you get them? What’s your skincare routine like? Tell me below.