Anyone who knows me well knows that I can fall asleep at the drop of a hat. I fall asleep easily on buses, in cars (not on planes, unfortunately) and at every damn movie (I hate paying for a nap.)
I even booked a commercial where I play an exhausted dentist because I could yawn so well.
Like many people, I don’t get a lot of sleep. In fact, one of my goals during this self-care challenge is “Sleeping 9 to 5.”
So far I’m doing a good job of getting up at 5:00, but I have yet to be asleep by 9:00. More like 10:30 or 11:00.
In fact, I’m writing this at 8:48 p.m. knowing full well that I should be getting ready for bed.
Thanks to sleep I did something I haven’t done in over two years.
Regardless, I’m still doing my best to get more sleep and it’s already making a difference.
At the risk of sounding boastful, I came in first place in my spinning class. Something I haven’t done in over two years and I’m pretty sure it’s because I got more sleep (probably didn’t hurt that I was up 2 hours before the class started, too.)
I was fired up and on my way out, the gym was offering free 5-minute stretches. In the past I would blow right past them, but this time (thanks, Gelf-care Challenge), I decided to reward my hard work and go for it. Not something I would normally acknowledge, but this challenge is all about baby steps and man am I glad I did it.
Holy shit! Did that stretch feel great! Anais was a rockstar. I didn’t want to leave.
So if someone offers you a free stretch or massage, no matter how busy you are, take it. Take a minute if that’s all the time you have. It’ll feel great and you won’t risk falling asleep and being late.
Hell, if I can stay awake for it, you can, too.
Good thing I shaved. Thanks, Anais for the great stretch!
Are you good about acknowledging your accomplishments? Do you let people help you? What’s your favorite type of self-care? Are you a massage therapist? :) Dish it below.