Yesterday was unseasonably warm in NYC. A whopping 65°, which was a lovely reprieve from the bitter cold temps of the past few weeks (insert blog), but terrifying when you think about global warming.
I had a meeting scheduled in the afternoon and we decided to take advantage of this killer (literally and figuratively) weather and meet outside.
It was awesome and I kept my coat and scarf on the whole time because even though people were wearing shorts, I was still cold.
We scored a table in a little park across from Lincoln Center and my first thought was “What should I do with my backpack?” It’s got everything in there. My wallet, my laptop, my headphones, my glasses, important documents and more.
There was nowhere to safely put it, so I placed it on the chair to see if I could squeeze in next to it. No dice.
Then, I considered the ledge next to the table where I could put it, but I wouldn’t want anyone to sneak up behind me and grab it.
I don’t love putting my stuff on the dirty NYC streets, so I thought about squeezing it between my shins because:
It’s a good thigh workout.
It’ll be safe in case anyone tries to grab it.
I knew this option was ridiculous because how long did I really think I could squeeze that bag? I mean, my thighs are strong, but not that strong.
So I did the last thing I wanted to do.
Can’t touch this
I put it on the ground under the table in front of me. I really didn’t think anyone would take it, but my bigger trust was around someone coming up from out of nowhere and snatching it.
You might think that’s far-fetched, but in New York City, it’s not. I will say that I have never had anything stolen this way or any way, which I’m grateful for. Years ago, when I was backpacking in Europe, my friend put her old, treasured camera down in a busy area in Milan and it was stolen. While she looked around for the culprit, other guys tried to distract her and help her, but as we later learned, they were probably part of the plan.
Needless to say, that episode stuck with me and when I’m out in a big public place, I’m constantly on alert. Is it paranoia? I don’t think so. I think it’s smart, especially given where I live. I think it’s also the reason why I haven’t had anything stolen. I’m hypervigilant about it.
Does it distract me from the company I’m with? No. Really, it doesn’t.
Does it give me peace of mind? Absolutely.
Do I do it when I’m in smaller towns? Yes.
Am I fun to be with? Yes, I swear. :)
Are you a safety sheriff? Do you constantly keep an eye on your stuff or are you more lax about it? Tell me below.